Relevant information to share in relation to the Radio 1 Big Weekend on 24th to 26th May 2024:
· Slip End Parish Council were not consulted in any way in relation to this event – Luton Borough Council Big Weekend Team decided that Slip End is ‘too far away’ from the event to be of concern.
· It would appear so far that Luton Borough Council have not liaised with Central Bedfordshire Council in relation to this event either.
· Luton Borough Council have ‘developed a traffic management plan (TMP) for the weekend and have taken on board local residents’ feedback from the last public events’ but that DOES NOT include us because we come under Central Bedfordshire Council, not Luton Borough Council.
· Myself and our Ward Councillors Kevin Collins and Vicky Malone have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to get information and answers and any information we finally have at our disposal will be passed on to our residents.
· There will be two ‘camping and parking’ locations in our parish, which shouldn’t impact us too much – the organisers are liaising with us to make sure things run as smoothly as possible, unlike Luton Borough Council.
· As a resident, if you have any concerns I encourage you to email Luton Borough Council directly at [email protected] and let them know your frustrations and
· Attend either of the ’consultations’ they’re running on Tuesday 23rd April 2024 at:
3pm to 5pm at Stockwood Discovery Centre, London Road, LU1 4LX
6pm to 7.3pm at Stockwood Park Academy, Rotheram Avenue, LU1 5PP
Cllr Sarah Minnighan – Chairman – Slip End Parish Council