Slip End Parish Council

Aley Green


Total – 0



Total – 0

Slip End

Harassment – without violence (course of conduct) – 2

Theft from a motor vehicle – 1

Robbery (Personal) (Indictable) – 1

Burglary – Residential – Non Dwelling – 1

Theft of a motor vehicle – 1

Other criminal damage to a vehicle (Under £5,000) – 1

Total – 7


Assault without Injury – Common assault and battery – 1

Possession of offensive weapon without lawful authority – 1

Harassment – without violence (course of conduct) – 1

Total – 3


Theft from a motor vehicle – 3

Interference with a motor vehicle – 2

Sending letters etc with intent to cause distress or anxiety – 2

Other criminal damage to a dwelling (Under £5,000) – 1

Assault without Injury – Common assault and battery – 1

Burglary – Residential – Non-Dwelling – 1

Arson not endangering life – 1

Harassment – without violence (course of conduct) – 1

Total – 12