Slip End Parish Council meetings are held on the first Monday of each month, except on Bank Holiday Mondays when the meeting takes place the following Monday, and August when there is no meeting, and are open to the public.
The Parish Council meetings are always held at Slip End Village Hall and commence at 7.00pm prompt. The dates are regularly posted on the Calendar and listed under Upcoming Events on the Home Page. Details of each meeting will show the agenda when published and the minutes are published on the “Minutes” page, once they have been approved by the Parish Council, which is usually at the next Parish Council Meeting.
If you wish to receive a copy of the Agenda or the Minutes by email once they have been approved please contact the Clerk by email at [email protected]
An Agenda for each meeting is also posted on the four parish notice boards the Wednesday before the meeting.
The Parish Notice Boards are located here :
• Manor Road – Between Elaine Gardens and Woodside Road in Lower Woodside
• Woodside Park Homes, Upper Woodside
• Inside the bus shelter on Half Moon Lane in Pepperstock
• Outside the Village Hall on Markyate Road
Please Note :
There are two opportunities at the meeting for members of the public to raise matters that they wish to bring to the attention of the council: at the beginning to comment on agenda items for 3 minutes subject to an overall time of 15 minutes for all comments. If more than one person wishes to speak on the same subject a speaker may be nominated to represent the comments of a group (or two speakers, one for and one against). No debate will be undertaken at this point in the meeting; and at the end of the meeting, when any member of the public may speak on any point arising from the meeting, or to raise a new point. Please note that non-agenda items may be noted for the next agenda. The filming, sound recording and electronic transmission of Parish Council meetings is allowed provided Members are made aware of such recording taking place at the time via the Chairman.